Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Saddle Ridge Ranch - State Training

What great trainers we have in the state of Indiana! They did a fabulous job sharing their passion for leading kids to Christ through VBS!

Here is a picture of this years team

Marge and my kiddos leading the saddle ridge ranch theme song! Aren't they cute!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Involve Your Kids in Ministry

I want my family to have a focus on the Kingdom, I want them to put others before themselves, I want them to pray for the missionaries in Burma, I want them to have compassion on the poor and the needy, I want them to go to the nursing home and reach out to the elderly, I want them to tell the neighbor girl that Jesus loves her.

I've been thinking a lot lately about the importance of including our kids in ministry. They hear at church that they need to be concerned about people other than themselves, but are they seeing a life of service lived out by us as parents. Life can become so busy and sometimes the everyday becomes our focus and we forget about those around us who really need Jesus.

As a family we lead a worship service at a local nursing home once a month, my daughter Emma especially enjoys this time. She loves the people at the nursing home and they love her. She knows the questions to ask them and she's not afraid to give them hugs. We have had to miss the past two months because of the holidays and being out of town on "our week". The other day Emma asked, "do we get to go to the nursing home this Sunday?" I told her no because our week fell on the Sunday we were in Colorado. She asked me, "Mom why do we have to wait for our week? Can't we go tell them about Jesus anytime?"

Yes Emma, we can and we should go tell them about Jesus. Thank you for reminding me that even when life is busy, our God is still working and our God wants us to go and tell even if it isn't "our week" to do it!

What are some ways you include your kids in ministry?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Have You Started Planning for VBS Yet?

Did you know that about 25% of all Southern Baptist baptisms each year can be attributed to Vacation Bible School? Often when we think about VBS we think about the week long event. VBS is about kids, youth and adults hearing how they can know Jesus in a personal way. Here are some ideas that you can use now to start planning for your VBS this summer.

  • Have a VBS Sunday in February. One Indiana church had a VBS Sunday that included the pastor preaching on the importance of reaching children for Christ, the children sang "Yes to VBS!", and the VBS director had tables set up with sign-up sheets showing ways church members could be involved in VBS. She included a table for volunteers, donations and set building. By March the director had many of her volunteers, commitment for most of the donations and the men's group volunteered to build the train for last year's Boomerang Express!
  • Plan for follow-up! Follow-up is one of the most important aspects of VBS and often we forget that we have to plan for it. We plan for the crafts, recreation and the snacks, but follow-up is the reason we do VBS. It is your opportunity to talk to the parents and invite them to visit your church or you may even have the opportunity to lead them to Christ. Ask for someone to organize volunteers from your Sunday School classes or small groups to begin preparing for following up on the families that will attend your VBS. This can include letter writing, home visitation and invitations to other church activities.
  • Teach "Leading a Child to Christ" for VBS leaders. Many people don't know how or feel uncomfortable sharing their faith with children. Leading a Child to Christ is a DVD available from Lifeway that helps leaders and parents feel comfortable sharing their faith with children.
  • Pray. Be specific and intentional as you pray for VBS. Ask your small groups or Sunday School classes to begin praying for the children who will attend, for the leaders, and for the church to see people of all ages saved.
  • Attend an associational clinic located near you!
  • You can find this article online at www.scbikids.blogspot.com

Some online VBS Resources

VBS blog www.lifewayvbs.wordpress.com

Facebook Lifeway VBS

Twitter @LifeWay VBS

Lifeway VBS Community – www.lifewayvbs.ning.com